
Your support keeps our program running!

We accept online donations via Square Payments & Zelle.

Follow the link below to donate via Square or send payment through your banking app to

See the sub-pages under the Fundraising Events tab for details on the following major Panther Band Boosters fundraisers :

  • Benicia Jazz Festival

  • Classic Car Show

In addition to these major fundraising events, the Panther Band Boosters holds a variety of smaller but essential fundraisers, including the following:

Panther Cards

These cards offer discounts at a number of merchants in and around Benicia. The cards sell for $10 each and are good for a period of one year, beginning in September. Students sell cards at various venues, and to friends and family. To request cards, fill out this form.

See's Candy Sales

We have both Year-Round and Seasonal See's Candy Sales that directly support the band program. A link to the online storefront can be found in here.